Public Library as an Effective Tool for Youth Empowerment in a Period of Economic Recession: Onitsha Divisional Library Experience
Public libraries serve as an avenue for skill acquisition and career development through their youth empowerment programs. This study surveyed the public library as an effective tool for youth empowerment in Onitsha Divisional Library. It adopted descriptive survey research design. Four research questions and four purposes of study guided the research. The population of the study was made up of 423 youths. One hundred (100) youths that benefited from the youth empowerment program of the Public Library were selected using accidental sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was questionnaire titled “Public Library and Youth Empowerment Questionnaires (PULYEQ). Data was analyzed using frequencies, percentages and mean rating. The findings of the study revealed that the Onitsha Divisional Library hosts youth empowerment programs for youths to develop their entrepreneurial talents and acquire new creative skills, but the program lacked adequate funding. Based on the findings, it is was recommended that enough funds should be provided by the government for the public libraries to consolidate the programs by acquiring the required infrastructure and equipment required for effective skill acquisition.